Who We Are and What We Do…
We are largely an online service provider with a special interest in women’s health and mood management. We utilise a safe and secure online platform, Zoom, for all of our telehealth consults, with limited in-person consultations within our Indooroopilly, Queensland based clinic. This means you have the freedom of starting your health journey anywhere, without restriction. Click on the links below to find out how we can help you.
Meet Kimberly
Nutritionist & Naturopath BHSc (Naturopathy)
I'm a degree qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath and my preferred pronouns are she and her. I am passionate about helping people feel good. I am an evidence informed practitioner who can coach you in the ideal food, nutrients and herb choices to restore your vitality and well-being.
How I started in natural medicine is not an unusual story - it began with my own health challenges. I was knee-deep in a health kick in my late twenties when I withdrew from hormonal birth control. I had been taking these medications for about 15 years and was experiencing some wild symptoms. My friends and family told me to “listen to my body”. But my body may as well have been speaking Swahili for all I understood about what it was saying to me. I was woken in the dead of night in extreme pain which I thought was my appendix bursting. Turns out is was a very large ovarian cyst that had been there for years. It had now decided to rupture and make itself known. It hurt. A lot. My gynaecologist went in to surgically remove the cyst and found advanced endometriosis in places I never thought it could even get to. Growing up I thought that I experienced moderate symptoms compared to my girlfriends. Yes, there was pain when I had my period but I thought that was normal. After the surgery the recovery process was unpleasant because I didn’t know how to care for myself or recover until I spoke with my Naturopath who gave me a lot of support. My gynaecologist had done an amazing job and I am forever grateful to him for all of his hard work but it wasn’t until my Naturopath filled in more of the picture of what was going on that things started to shift. She empowered me by giving me an education in how my body actually worked and I was hooked. I didn’t realise that my anxiety, depression, gut dysfunction and menstrual symptoms were all interlinked, or that I had a lot of power to make better choices to improve my health… or even that I would see immediate results. As I engaged more with my body and made better choices I was shocked at how I had let myself get used to feeling like rubbish. I had normalised something that wasn’t normal. Now that I hear other young girls and women cringe at the prospect of having their periods, or talk in terms of how being a woman is a less than positive thing, it breaks my heart because I know that things could be different for them.
I'm fascinated by how every body has the capacity to heal, irrespective of where they started from. What strongly attracted me to Naturopathy is the belief that our health can be hugely affected by our actions, environment and daily decisions and because it was a practice that worked for me. What I learnt from this process is that we have the responsibility and the capacity to make significant changes within our lives ( and that we’re really not wholly at the mercy of having “less than amazing luck”).
Restoring your health can be a process that takes time. Finding out the true cause of ill health is the first step. We can walk you through a gentle, restorative and supportive healing process and connect you with other people who can help bridge any gaps we find along the way. To book your free discovery call, click here.
We service everywhere within Australia, Europe, South East Asia and the Pacific Islands online and any prescriptions provided are mailed directly to your door.